Servo-assisted drum kit modification
28th May 2020
Young client with cerebral palsy is a keen drummer, however has limited use of this legs, so experiences difficulties with using the high hat and bass drum, which are both pedal operated. The traditional way of dealing with this issue is to use an electronic drum kit, however this would require a complete new set up, and does not allow existing drum kits to be used (currently there is one at home and one at school).
The solution would have to be removable and transferable so it can be used with different drum kits. The client has no problem with hitting the other parts of the drum kit, so the solution must not impede these. Initial idea was to create some kind of button or pad that can be operated by hand, which in turn actuates the high hat/bass drum.
Since most likely using electronics the appropriate safety features must be include, i.e. thermal cutouts, fuses, quality components.
Support seat for a Wayfarer dinghy
26th April 2014
Frensham Pond Sailability required a very supportive seat to allow severely disabled members to enjoy a sailing experience in a Wayfarer dinghy.
A ‘Seahorse’ commode was obtained, and the seat section mounted onto a welded steel base and the assembly fixed to the forward thwart
The disabled members can now sail safely.
Support for amputee sailor
25th April 2014
This keen sailor, a possible contender for the Paralympics, has a specially designed sailing dinghy but after a recent above knee amputation, was unable to stabilise herself in the hull because of her single limb, especially when the boat heeled.
Two long wedge shaped cushions were fashioned in Evozote, a type of fairly firm plastic foam which is non-absorbent, and attached to the hull by Velcro strips to provide substantial lateral support to the hips and upper legs, and be easily removable if necessary. An elongated seat cushion was also provided to give improved support to the stump. The client expressed approval on the first trial and continues to be very satisfied with the system.
Steps to bath
25th April 2014
The client needed a set of steps to enable him to get himself onto his bath seat. Due to limited space for storage the steps needed to be foldable.
The steps are made in three parts which can be dismantled by undoing four nuts. The treads/risers fold as one unit and the two sides as the remainder.
The client can (happily!) climb the steps and get himself into the bath.
Shower seat
24th April 2014
A shower seat was required by a client to enable him to shower. Due to housing regulations, it was not permissible to attach the seat to the building structure.
The seat was constructed to fit snugly within the shower so that it provided rigid support to the client both in use and while entering and exiting the shower. Evazot foam was used for the cushioning and the wood waterproofed with varnish.
The client can now shower safely.
Portable steps for car access
21st April 2014
The client could not climb into their car because of the height of the step.
A pair of wooden steps was constructed to provide a three-step entry arrangement. The steps are in two parts, one fitting inside the other.
The client is now able to climb into the car unassisted.
Launching bogie for cruiser
12th April 2014
This client was unable to control the launch of his river cruiser due to osteoarthritis. The single jockey wheel at the front of the trailer tended to move in any direction even when locked in ahead position.
A two- wheeled launching trolley, that could support the cruisers nose weight of 75 kg, was developed to ensure a straight line could be maintained. The new trolley is positioned under the front of the trailer when the jockey wheel is used as a jack to lift the trailer to allow space for the trolley to fit. Nesting battens were affixed to the top platform to locate positively for motion in either direction, the jockey wheel is then wound up to ensure all the nose weight is now taken by the new bogie.
The client is delighted as he can now continue with his boating without the assistance of boatyard personnel thus saving them unnecessary expense and worry.
Dog handling device
8th April 2014
The client has cerebral palsy with very little movement other than of his head and drives his electric chair with his chin. He has a pet dog and wanted to have some degree of control when they go out together, though he is accompanied by his carer.
A self-retracting dog lead is situated behind the seat, the cord goes to the side of the chair passing between a capstan (powered by a windscreen wiper motor) and spring loaded pinch rollers lifted by a solenoid to allow free run. Using his forehead to operate a two-way switch, the client releases the cord to allow the dog to move away. Releasing the switch provides an effective brake. If the dog comes to “heel”, the cord rewinds itself, but if the dog needs a little “encouragement”, the capstan is used to winch it in.
The client is now able to control his dog himself.
Buggy adaptation
11th March 2014
The clients were taking their disabled child to Australia for a christening and wanted the support seat they had adapted mounted into a three-wheeled buggy for ease of travelling.
Four aluminium spigots were turned up to fit inside Zimmer frame tube and screwed to the buggy frame. These provide attachment for two bars, constructed from the tube and with the spring adjusters used to obtain a fit onto the spigots. These two bars provide fixings for the seat within the buggy, and they can travel with their child more easily.