Sensory Regulation Spinner
11th December 2022
Sam is the teacher of 3 to 6 year olds, with severe learning difficulties in Purple Class at The Milestone School Longlevens. He came to us with this challenge
All the children in Purple Class have severe learning difficulties. Most also have Autism, little or no language, and Sensory Integration Difficulties.
In Purple Class, we focus a lot on supporting our little learners’ sensory regulation needs. By doing this, it helps bring calm to the children, and makes them less heightened and anxious, which in turn allows them to access different activities, focus for longer, and become more confident learners. These types of input also help the children to calm down after severe upset, such as when something has ‘gone wrong’ that they cannot explain due to their young age and language difficulties. The difference made by putting these types of strategies in place is amazing!
Our problem: We need things that stimulate the children’s vestibular sense – their sense of movement. We have discovered many children prefer to engage with this by spinning – they do not feel dizzy, and this type of fast, circular motion really helps them to ‘centre’ and feel ‘grounded’.
We borrowed a ‘spinner’ from an Occupational Therapist, but will need to return it soon. We would like to have two made for the class. The one we have borrowed is good, but it has its limitations – its a little small to lay on as the children are getting older, and because the base below the turntable is smaller than the platform the children lay on, it often tips up.
We would like to have two ‘spinners’ made, circular ones, about 1m in diameter, so that children who find it hard to sit upright can lay on them. I thought originally a 1m top, with a turntable that went almost round the entire rim underneath would stop it tipping up. On reflection, it may be possible to have a smaller turntable, like the one installed on the spinner we’ve borrowed, but with a larger base underneath, about 80cm. This may stop the spinner tipping, whilst also avoiding fingers getting caught underneath? These are just ideas! I don’t have the ability to put it together myself! The one we have borrowed is from America – the OT has not found any available in the UK yet.