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Earswitch: assistive technology switch
Description : Ear switch as an assistive communication and control device / gaming switch and HCI A USB otoscope camera detects voluntary movement of a middle ear muscle (tensor tympani), to control assistive technology software (Grid3), the Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard... View Details
Child’s voice amplifier
[caption id="attachment_15643" align="alignleft" width="188"] James using his amplifier[/caption] James is 4 years old and has vocal chord palsy which means that he can only speak with a very quiet voice, due to a paralysed vocal chord. It is less of... View Details
Speech computer bracket for wheelchair
This child has severe cerebral palsy. His only method of communication was through a speech synthesising computer and he needed the next level of computer to continue progress but this was unable to be mounted on his powered wheelchair. An... View Details
Mounting for communication switches and smart box
The client has multiple disabilities and uses a ‘smart box’ as a communication aid. His speech has deteriorated and his wife is having difficulty understanding him when they are out of the house. She asked if it would be possible... View Details