All Solutions

Adaptations to a folding electric wheelchair
The client contacted REMAP as they and their family wanted to go away on holiday, but were unable to fly with the client's usual wheelchair. The family had purchased a folding electric wheelchair, which met the airline's requirements but unfortunately... View Details
Attaching a Dog Trailer to a Mobility Scooter
The client wrote, “I have dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa recessive (EB). It means my skin shears off or blisters at the slightest touch. I can’t manage fiddly things like catches etc. I was diagnosed at birth. Any damage to my skin... View Details
Xbox Controller for client with tetraplegia
The available modified controllers on the commercial market were not suitable so we had to custom-make the item. Due to limited dexterity it was impossible for this client to hold an Xbox controller let alone operate the numerous small buttons... View Details
Wheelchair baby seat
To fit a standard Mothercare baby seat/carrier to an Invacare TDX SP2 powered wheelchair without making any permanent alterations to the chair (not owned by client) Note: Department of Transport guidance is that another person should not be carried on a... View Details
grass bowling rollator
All rollators come with skinny tyres and cannot be used on grass bowling lawns which specify wide wheels >90mm. However these are uncommon and can be expensive. The exception being dinghy launching trolley wheels -made from plastic, costing ~£8 each ... View Details