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New wing for custom chair
Rosemary's MS left her with an uncomfortable seated position in her usual easy chair. She was provided with a specialised, motorised tilt-in-space chair that should have provided all the support she needed to sit up comfortably. However, the design relied... View Details
Comfort adaptation for child potty training
Being comfortable is always desirable. However, when you are a parent and trying to potty train your child, the comfort of the child becomes essential to the successful outcome. Whilst the majority of children's potty seats are made from rigid... View Details
Leg Supports for Rollz Motion wheelchair
This client has a Rollz Motion wheelchair and, for medical reasons, needs to have her legs horizontal. However, this wheelchair does not have an option for leg supports to be attached. I obtained some standard leg supports and designed and... View Details
Footplate Shields for Activity Chair
The client tried using a Rifton Activity Chair, but he kept getting his foot trapped underneath the wheels. The company makes a footplate box, but it wasn't suitable as it would have prevented the client from standing and transferring on... View Details