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Aids to use for upper limb function for cancer patients.
Up to 19% of cancer patients may suffer from Metastatic Spinal-cord Compression MSC), leading to them being bed bound.Macmillan have funded work to help these patients. The objective was to provide a range of activities on a transportable board that... View Details
Earswitch: assistive technology switch
Description : Ear switch as an assistive communication and control device / gaming switch and HCI A USB otoscope camera detects voluntary movement of a middle ear muscle (tensor tympani), to control assistive technology software (Grid3), the Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard... View Details
Adjustable work surface
A child with quadriplegic cerebral palsy can sit comfortably in only a few positions and cannot adapt to a desk/work station fixed in only one position, which inhibits his learning process. A work station was constructed which is infinitely variable... View Details