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One-handed Rollator brake – one brake, two wheels
The client could only use one hand to brake his four-wheel Rollator. This meant that sometimes, the Rollator would swing wildly and had resulted in occasional falls. The solution made the Rollator much more stable when the right-hand brake was... View Details
Attaching a Dog Trailer to a Mobility Scooter
The client wrote, “I have dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa recessive (EB). It means my skin shears off or blisters at the slightest touch. I can’t manage fiddly things like catches etc. I was diagnosed at birth. Any damage to my skin... View Details
Bespoke Cutlery for Post Polio Sufferer
Hazel suffers with manual dexterity following polio. She needed a set of cutlery that allows her to feed herself, which fits her hands comfortably, and will not degrade in the dishwasher. Earlier bespoke cutlery lost its shape in hot water... View Details
Night time toileting
In a similar vein to a previous project this is a full solution to the problem of clients with severely reduced dexterity/movement, and night-time toileting. Conventional urine bottles, and this type of commercially available urine container were both unsuitable... View Details