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Wheelchair to pram or pushchair adaptation
The client suffers acute pain caused by ACENS syndrome, which meant that she relied heavily on her partner to push her wheelchair for transportation. When she became pregnant she started to become concerned about how she would manage with a... View Details
Wheelie Bin Lid Lifter for Wheelchair User
Our client, Emily, has Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy which causes weakness in her hips and shoulder muscles. Being a full-time wheelchair user, she cannot lift the lids on her wheelie bins. REMAP engineered a pair of remote controlled "Bin Lid... View Details
Leg Supports for Rollz Motion wheelchair
This client has a Rollz Motion wheelchair and, for medical reasons, needs to have her legs horizontal. However, this wheelchair does not have an option for leg supports to be attached. I obtained some standard leg supports and designed and... View Details
One-handed Rollator brake – one brake, two wheels
The client could only use one hand to brake his four-wheel Rollator. This meant that sometimes, the Rollator would swing wildly and had resulted in occasional falls. The solution made the Rollator much more stable when the right-hand brake was... View Details
Attaching a Dog Trailer to a Mobility Scooter
The client wrote, “I have dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa recessive (EB). It means my skin shears off or blisters at the slightest touch. I can’t manage fiddly things like catches etc. I was diagnosed at birth. Any damage to my skin... View Details