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Lateral Anti-Tip Stabilisers
The School OT reported: "An eleven year old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), global developmental delay, and hypotonia, demonstrates some sensory processing issues, and finds it difficult to remain seated in class, which is impacting on his function and... View Details
Wheelchair wrist retainers
David can have very strong involuntary arm movements. Previous efforts to hold his arms on the chair armrests have been unsatisfactory. Channels with hinged tops, made from plastic guttering, were securely strapped to the armrests. They were held closed, when... View Details
Support for amputee sailor
This keen sailor, a possible contender for the Paralympics, has a specially designed sailing dinghy but after a recent above knee amputation, was unable to stabilise herself in the hull because of her single limb, especially when the boat heeled.... View Details