Bed castor raisers - REMAP - Custom made equipment for disabled people
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Bed castor raisers

Our client has a steel framed bed in the corner of his bedroom which had already been lifted up with “elephant’s feet” bed raisers, but he needs to be hoisted and a temporary solution was needed to improve height and access for carers pending the funding and arrival of a profiling bed.

The solution

Harrogate and Ripon engineer Ian Midgley worked out that the tube diameter of the bed legs was exactly the right diameter to be sleeved with 42.4mm Interclamp – this being commonly used for safety hand railings.

4x Interclamp 132 Base Plates and tube were purchased, along with four “total lock” castors.  “Total lock” castors lock BOTH the wheel rotation and the castor rotation and were essential in this case with the bed being right in the corner of the room and only three castors accessible to apply the brakes.  Because the floor is laminate, castors needed to have elastic rubber tyres for grip too – and Sealey SCW3100SPL total lock castors were ideal. The tubes had lock screws cut into them, and they were cut to length on site to test for the ideal height.

Two of the opposing corner mounting holes on the castors had to be drilled out to M12 – and were then an exact fit for the holes of the Interclamp base plates. These were bolted right through kick plates made of disks of MDF, and a further two M8 holes drilled through the MDF and securing the castors for added strength.

The inside of Interclamp tube is very rough from the galvanising process and there is an arc weld down the length. The clearance for the tubes was around half a millimeter but as the bed is ultimately going to be replaced and scrapped,  a bit of paint being scraped off the bed legs when the raisers were installed wasn’t an issue.

The benefit

The bed was raised by around 3 inches and allowed the carers to move the bed if necessary.

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