Dog Ball Launcher
Our client wants to be able to interact with his dog by playing fetch, but finds it challenging due to his reduced mobility. Therefore, to overcome this challenge, our REMAP engineer has expertly designed and created a bespoke dog ball launcher, which can pick up the ball and relaunch it.
The Challenge
The client suffers from muscular dystrophy and is a full-time powered wheelchair user. He has also recently been diagnosed with a serious heart issue, so he now has to use ventilators when he’s out of breath. His health has declined over the last year, and our client is now no longer able to do as many old hobbies or interests, this includes not being able to interact with his pet dog as much as he would like.
The dog ball launchers found commercially all require the ball to be replaced before relaunching, an activity which our client now struggles to do. Our client is also unable to train his dog to put the ball back into the machine. So, the client had requested a custom-designed dog ball launcher which is remote controlled and can pick up the ball again before relaunching.
The solution
After designing, developing and building a prototype, our REMAP engineer has created a remote-controlled bespoke dog ball launcher. When the ball is in front of the machine, two “mandible” arm arrangements scoop the ball back into a tube. The tube is then inclined at an angle in preparation for a projection, and the ball now sits at the bottom of the tube. The launcher works by spinning 2 motors on either side of the ball in opposite rotational directions, moving closer to the ball and squeezing it, which picks up the ball after the actuator is operated, launching the ball.
This launcher has 3 different speed settings and adjustable angles of inclination.
Detailed pre-assessment of the design options was necessary, as well as some development of the solution to overcome mechanical, electrical and control issues as they arose.
The benefit
The client is very happy with the cleverly designed dog ball launcher as he is now able to interact with his pet dog using the remote-controlled machine. This design has a positive impact on the client’s well being as he is able to enjoy playing with his dog despite physical challenges. A video of the launcher operating can be found with this link below:
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