Dressing help for those with no use of their hands
Derek McMullan,Secretary, Remap NI, secretary@remapni.org, would like suggestions for the following problem please:
An OT presented me with this problem; she and her colleagues can’t solve it.
How can we help people who have lost the use of their hands, or even lost their hands entirely?
We can make a push-pull hook, but how does the person grasp it?
We can make supports to hang shirts and trousers on, but how does the person hang the clothes on the support in the first place?
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HI Derek,
our panel has has several cases where the engineer has made implements to fit over the top of the person’s hand/arm stump which are based on plastic beakers with Dycem inside to help with the grip.
I’ll send you some pictures of what he has made.
Best wishes