Emergency Brake for Baby Stroller - REMAP - Custom made equipment for disabled people
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Emergency Brake for Baby Stroller

  • Gerry Van Hee
  • York
  • YO20/1204
  • Complete

Our client was a young mother-to-be who suffered from dramatic and unpredictable seizures. She was concerned that if she were to experience one of these seizures when she was out with her baby in the stroller, then she would not be able to protect her baby and the baby stroller could roll anywhere and into danger.

She asked if Remap could find a way to keep her baby safe.

The solution

Gerry Fisher from the York panel developed an emergency brake for the baby stroller based on a ‘dead-man’s-handle’ approach. The operating brake handle was fixed to the middle of the top of the stroller handle. A set of spring-loaded locking brakes were fixed to the rear axle of the stroller. In their default position, the spring-loaded brakes locked the back wheels of the stroller and prevented any movement. Pressure is needed on the brake lever to release and keep the locking brakes off. If the pressure is released, the brakes are applied immediately and the stroller brought to a direct halt and locked still.

All the modifications were additive, meaning the whole emergency brake adaptation can be removed when the stroller is no longer needed and does not affect its warranty or resale value.

The rear axle unit

The rear axle unit from underneath

The benefit

Our client can rest assured that should she have one of her seizures when she is out with her baby in the stroller, the stroller will not run away and her baby will be safe.

When the baby stroller is no longer needed, the changes can all be reversed and the stroller will hold its resale value and warranty provisions.

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6 responses to “Emergency Brake for Baby Stroller”

  1. Patsy Harris says:

    My daughter has cerebral palsy which affects her mobility. She is 5 months pregnant and is trying to find a stroller that has a hand brake. She can’t stand on one leg so foot pedal is out of the question.
    Would you be able to help she lives in Suffolk.

    • molly.wakeman says:

      Hi Patsy, we do have one branch in Suffolk, so we’d hopefully be able to help, although it may depend whereabouts your daughter is located. If you or your daughter can complete our referral form, then we’ll be able to assess if this is something we can support her with: http://www.remap.org.uk/help

  2. Gerry Van Hee says:

    Will do. Thanks. Gerry

  3. Helen Paur says:

    Please contact me Helen Oakley at Helen.Paur@gmail.com about an emergency brake for my baby stroller. I have unpredictable seizures and need a dead man’s handle attached to the stroller frame.

  4. Bogdan says:

    Hi! Is this for sale? I really need this system for my baby stroller. Thank you!

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