New charity requests help from Remap panel members
This seems a very good idea. We have sent Elizabeth some examples of Remap’s work but if you have anything suitable please send let Elizabeth know (and also send it to us at
Adaptive parenting solutions are being sought from a new charity offering support to disabled parents.
- Have you come up with an adaptation to help a disabled parent care for children?
Or designed a piece of equipment from scratch? No matter large or small the adaptation, Remap Panel members are asked to submit their work for publication in a forthcoming book called Yes You Can! (Ideas for Adaptive Parenting Solutions). This is an international project drawing together parenting strategies from around the world. Your contribution will also be showcased in an easily accessible virtual database, always with acknowledgements to yourself and Remap. Your sketches, photographs, designs and written descriptions will all gratefully received.
This initiative comes from a new charity called ‘Parents with a Disability and their Children’ (PDC) with kind permission and help from Remap. ‘Parents with a Disability and their Children’ recognises the crucial role played by Remap Panel Members in helping disabled parents take care of their children safely and independently.
To express an interest, submit an adaptation or for more information, please use the contact details below. If your design is a good fit for the book, we will contact you again to ask for your permission.
Parents with a Disability and their Children
Elizabeth Yarr
11 Woodland Park
County Londonderry
Northern Ireland
BT52 1JG
Telephone 07795598661
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