Outdoor Childs steps and Ramp - REMAP - Custom made equipment for disabled people
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Outdoor Childs steps and Ramp

The client has CP and limited vision. She desperately want to walk but need equipment to help her and boost her confidence.  There is a particular need to help her get used to climbing steps in preparation for her attending school.

The solution

The structure is made from treated 45 x 70 timber frames with Mortice and tenon joints which were bolted together with carriage bolts. The platform, ramps and steps are120mm x 25mm decking boards.  The steps are standard 2250mm tread with a rise of 200mm. and the platform height was 600mm.  The ramp slope of 1 in 2 (approx. 25 degrees) is intended to be challenging.  Handrailing is adjustable from 60mm high to 75mm.

The whole structure can be broken into flat sections for storage/transport.

The benefit

The client immediately climbed the steps and enjoyed the challenge but her lack of vision make her anxious with new experiences.

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2 responses to “Outdoor Childs steps and Ramp”

  1. Fred says:

    This was made by Remap and there was no payment. However the client made a donation. Commercial versions are sold and they are £1500 or so.

  2. Wendy says:

    How much does something like this cost?

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