Portfolio trailer
This lady is a wheelchair user and had a power attachment so that she could travel from her home to the university (some four miles away). She needed to be able to carry her very large portfolio of drawings/paintings and other artists’ equipment.
A two-wheeled trailer was made up using golf trolley wheels, perching stool and aluminium tubing. The trailer box was made from 3mm exterior plywood and beneath this, a plastic box (a cat litter tray) carried a waterproof cover and bungee cords. The trailer was made roadworthy by including reflective panels and lights. The trailer is attached to the rear of the wheelchair with a single point mooring to an attachment bracket on the wheelchair.
The lady can take all the equipment she wants to university and keep it dry in inclement weather. An added bonus is that, once there, she can unhitch the trailer and use it as a porter’s trolley.
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