Power Assisted Picker
Client is a 9 years old with joint problems, they cannot bend down to pick things up and has weakness in wrists and hands. They have tried 2 different sorts of “pick up sticks”, neither useful as mechanical system offers too much resistance.
So I decided it would have to be some sort of electro-mechanical system. After a little thought, I decided a Robot gripper (used by amateur builders of robot arms) would be a suitable solution. This was sourced from the internet. Next was a suitable power source, I decided this should be easy to maintain so I pressed into service a USB power pack as this would be easy for the client to charge.
The whole assembly was made from plastic electric conduit, and after fitting two switches (one to open, one to close) with a suitable circuit the unit was up and running.
The client used it first time with no problem and was able to pick up a pencil with ease and later a heavy pepper grinder.
See also job BK2018/89.
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