Profile Bed Control Adaptation
Our client struggled to use the handset for her profiling bed and wanted to retain independence. In order to overcome this challenge, our REMAP engineer has adapted the handset to allow the client to easily operate the controls on her bed.
The Challenge
The client suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS) which has resulted in reduced dexterity and minimal functional use of her left hand. She struggled to use her bed control due to the handset buttons being far too small and fiddly. Her husband had tried building up the control buttons with plastic caps but the attempt was unsuccessful. There were also no commercially-available products which directly addressed this problem.
The solution
Our REMAP engineer has cleverly adapted the handset by fitting levers with plastic cupboard door bumper pads stuck on behind to operate the original buttons. Initially, the levers were too close together meaning the client often accidentally pressed the neighbouring switches. After careful consideration and communication with the client, our engineer removed some of the switches that the client will never use, which made the gadget more functionable and straightforward. The ends of the levers are covered with heat shrink wire wrap.
The benefit
With the newly developed handset, our client was happy with the result and can now independently operate her profile bed with much less difficulty than before.
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