The client uses her wheelchair all day and required a mounting for her Sky TV remote so she could access TV without help.
The Challenge
The client has CP and limited movement and dexterity. She couldn’t hold a TV remote but could operate the buttons if the remote was held in a suitable location. The device would need to be easily removed when the wheelchair was used outside the house and/or when the client was transitioning to the chair.
The solution
The wheelchair arm rest had a square tube for mounting accessories. This was used to take a simple welded cranked steel tube with a 3D printed holder mounted to that. The angle and rotation and to some extent the position were all adjustable. Once the correct position was found the adjustments were locked off. The mounting tube simply slid into position under the wheelchair arm where it was naturally retained by the angle of the chair.
The benefit
The client is now able to watch TV and access other content independently.
- Skills involved:
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- Activities Helped:
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