Wheelchair Transfer Board
This client has had a stroke. He wants to be able to transfer himself from wheelchair to bed. He uses a motorised wheelchair, the chair has drive wheels which project beyond the width of the wheel chair seat, because of this, there is a gap between the wheelchair seat and the bed.
He is unable to use a conventional transfer board as he has no use of his right arm, wheelchair controls are on the left and he therefore needs to transfer on the right. Remap were asked if they could make a short transfer board which this client could use that would attach to the wheelchair and bridge the gap.
The board is provided with a metal “peg” that locates in the wheelchair arm support bracket and an additional support bracket at the front of the seat. To use remove the standard arm support and insert the support peg. The peg is tapered and long to help with location using the right hand-sitting adjacent to a mirror may help with alignment. Adjust the bed height to be just below the board and position the wheelchair so the board overhangs the bed. Transfer by sliding across.
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