Window Opener
The client had trouble opening windows in her kitchen due to height / mobility issues. She also had psoriasis which made gripping any kind of implement a struggle due to dry skin. The challenge was to design a strong unit, which allowed the user to open windows from a distance, with strong sturdy grips so she could correctly operate the unit.
The solution
The solution was to bore a hole in the nylon stock the same size as the aluminium tube, using screws to hold the nylon nearer the top of the unit and to allow for adjustment. A further (quite long) eyebolt was attached to the nylon stock with a small rubber damper (could use screw) through the eye bolt, held on by a nut. (The rubber damper allows for better grip of the push button on the window). A 3D printed, adjustable angle, locking mechanism was then created and printed with the shafts the same I.D of the aluminium tube, these slot in to the tube and are bolted / screwed in place to avoid movement. The adjustable locking mechanism changes the angle so users can adjust for different windows by using a 6mm allen key. Tennis racket handle rubber was added to the pole to offer grip and stability.
The benefit
The user can now open her windows with ease.
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Brilliant idea, just what I am looking for