Fundraising can be Fun!
Raising funds can be daunting and nobody enjoys asking for money. However, the MK panel have found one method that is fun. Nikki tells us more.
Whilst chatting at a monthly panel meeting it came out that one of our members plays in a community orchestra. A bright idea emerged – the orchestra is always on the lookout for opportunities to perform in order to gain experience – so we organised a garden concert on a beautiful sunny afternoon.
We arranged for 4 musical groups to perform a variety of classical, popular and jazz pieces and invited friends and family along. There is no admission fee – we just put out a pot for donations and spend 5 minutes telling people all about our wonderful charity, REMAP. Add flags bunting, tea & cakes. Pray to the weather gods. It works!!
This is the 15th year we have held this event – like a child it just keeps growing. This time we estimated a record of 200 people came to see their musician friends play in public (a new experience for some). The relaxed atmosphere makes for a truly fantastic afternoon.
We collected sufficient funds to cover most of our costs for the year at the same time as raising the profile of the charity locally. We create a stand showcasing examples of recent projects and encourage people to ask for help for those in need.
So – what hobbies do your panel members indulge in? There may be hidden talent lurking… good luck!

Do you have a fun fundraising idea? Get in touch.

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