Buggy control attachment for those who need wrist support
Designed for a lady who suffers with Rheumatoid Arthritis & SJD, this buggy/pushchair attachment supports the wrist and lower arm in a horizontal aspect whilst maintaining full control of the pushchair.
The solution
The components are made up of the main support saddle, which is internally foam lined, the buggy handle clamp and the quick release spring collar clip. This clip was replaced with an “R” clip for greater security.
The buggy handle clamp is made up of two 3D printed components providing housing for the Ø12mm pivot pin. The assembly is held securely to the handle with two ‘Jubilee’ type clips that are positioned within the housing to protect the user from any sharp edges. Both components are printed with very little infill (to speed up printing) but are subsequently fully potted with epoxy resin.
The benefit
The operator now has full control of the buggy and can steer with ease.
Previously her weak wrist meant steering the buggy was very difficult
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