Dog Treat Dispenser - REMAP - Custom made equipment for disabled people
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Dog Treat Dispenser

We were asked by ‘Ability Dogs 4 Young Persons’, Isle of Wight, to come up with a way for the mobility scooter user to reward their dog with treat/s when their dog has achieved a specific task. The method of rewarding the dog had to be very easy for the user to perform.

The solution needs to deliver a single treat quickly and easily on the dog competing the task. This allows the person to train the dog themselves and reward appropriate behaviour.


The solution

The principle of operation is that the auger would be populated with treats along its length at the beginning of a dog walking/training exercise and deliver the treats  on demand by use of the red micro switch at the scooter arm rest. There is an LED indicator on the control box that shows red when the kit is powered up but goes out when the auger is running.

One press of the switch rotates the auger approximately 90° but keeping it pressed delivers a continuous feed.

The components consist of the 3D printed auger housed in section of Ø41mm OD standard plumbing waste pipe with a 3D printed housing on the drive end.  A continuous servo motor is fixed into this housing and coupled to the auger. This pipe is covered by a length of Ø48mm OD waste pipe that has been split and opened outwards to form a shallow hopper. This outer pipe also acts as protection to the auger and treats by rotating it around the inner tube.

A 3D printed ‘lick tray’ fits onto the auger tube and is held on with a screw. The assembly is designed to be mounted to a mobility scooter with 2 plumbing clips.

The control box is a household wall socket box with a blank lid. It contains an Arduino Mini Pro board, LED indicator, ON/OFF switch and 6V battery pack (4 x AA). The servo is plugged into a socket on this box. The activation micro switch is hard wired to the box and would be located on an arm rest for ease of operation.

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7 responses to “Dog Treat Dispenser”

  1. Alan Gill says:

    Looks like an excellent idea.I am a member of the Gwent panel of ReMap and have a client who could use this I have a 3d printer but my drawing skills are not up to the design of the auger if possible could you forward the Stl files to me of all the 3d printed parts I can make the rest of the parts.
    Best Regards Alan Gill.

  2. Paul Spacagna says:

    Hi, I’m a new remap engineer in Southampton and for my first project I am faced with a similar challenge. I was wondering if you can supply me with either construction details or the cad programme which will enable me to get it printed locally.

    Many thanks

  3. Claire Muldoon says:

    This looks great and I’m looking for something like this. Is it available to buy?

  4. Philip Watts says:

    Thanks Robert

    Please keep us informed on progress.

    We have tried a 3D printed Canadian design available online but have found that solid dog treats tend to bridge and block the feeder hole at the nottom of the hopper. We have not given up on this device and will post a project if we achieve a reasonable degree of success.


  5. Robert Cundall says:

    Hi Philip,
    At the moment we are working on an improvement to the feeder so it can accept more treats and not clog up. Its a bit of a redesign with quite a few 3D printed bits but still based on using a continuous servo driving an auger, activated by a micro switch. There is an Arduino sensing the switch and activating the servo. It’s been on the back burner for a bit but I can get the design up and running again especially if you have interest in the concept. The latest design has the main auger tube of 3″ dia but at 45deg and can be easily filled at the top.

  6. West Mids Chairman says:

    We are very interested in following up this device as we are working with an Assistance Dog Charity on the same problem.

    How is the loading of the device achieved?

    could we be provided with the print files, etc.


    Philip Watts

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